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The New Normal

Writer's picture: pastor Brianpastor Brian

Do not deceive yourselves. If you think that you are wise in this age, you should become fools so that you may become wise.”

-1 Corinthians 3:18 (NRSV)

As we settle into this new normal of staying at home, I am left wondering what is the world we are becoming? Are we taking the “truths” we “know” to be true from before Covid-19 and applying them to the new world we are creating? Or, are we willing to be open to God’s guiding hand and discover a new normal together as one people on earth?

This thought crossed my mind while being recorded at the Congregational Church of Boothbay Harbor, yesterday. It was in that moment of reading a devotional for the congregation that I realized this format is exceptional as a written form of inspiration; but, does it work as something televised?

In much the same way, I see politicians maintaining a divisive attack upon the opposing side of the aisle; and, I wonder is this form of politics relevant - anymore? Does locking people up for drug offences make sense - anymore? Can we, as a society, claim that men are universal perpetrators and women can only be the victims - anymore? Can we still use the borders to keep people from a better life - anymore? Can you deny another person a loaf of bread when you have plenty - anymore? Especially since, we are all in this new normal together.

We are all affected by the fear, frustration and sickness of this pandemic. Yet, this virus has no political, addicted, gender, ethnic, or economic identity. Still, we are acting with the wisdom of an old normal, a world which divides people into the neat little boxes so we may feel safe in the reassurance of similarity.

Perhaps, it is time to become like “fools.” Perhaps, it is time to learn from this lesson of Covid-19 and realize that we are all human beings. Unique and special with a lifetime of experiences shaping us -yes. But, are all still human beings and the beloved children of God. Perhaps, it is time to live into a new normal where we can witness the person before us as an equal, equally respected – equally wonderful – and equally broken.

In this time of a new normal, we have a chance to become as “fools” who do not know the “truth” of another person, a situation, or a reality. Rather, we can be willing to discover the Truth revealed to us by God and a new way of doing things which honors, loves, and cares for all of Creation - equally.

-May your new normal be one of growth and learning where we forget that we are wise and accept that we may not know. May God guide you through these struggles into the kin-dom where all people are one. Amen.

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