Prayers for our world
“Ask, and it will be given you; search, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened for you."
-Matthew 7:7 (NRSV)
Please join me in praying for these souls and our world. If you would like to add your prayers to this list please offer them below.
Medical workers who are at risk during this crisis of Covid-19 - may you have everything need and stay safe
Essential employees who are also at risk during this pandemic - may you remain healthy and know how much you are appreciated
Individuals who have compromised immune systems - may God keep you and hold you in these days of unknowing
All people in this world who are struggling with this illness or the hardships which it has caused - may we all find peace in God
Kurt Donovan - may you find your way and be happy
Marissa Evans - may God hold you and continue to heal you.
Jerie Phinney - may you be held by God as you hold those who are at the most risk.
Penny Donovan- may God be with you in your isolation and keep you safe and healthy
Today my prayers out of the morning news and my conversations today are with people who are out of work, for those who are homeless, and for the African American community that is especially being devastated by the virus and the way the spread of the virus and the death toll has exposed the inequities, inequalities and racism that runs deep in our country.
Kristin Long and her family - may God care and comfort each of you.
Ramon and Drew - may God hold you through your illness and times of struggle. Know that the hearts of many are crying for your quick recovery.
Bob Diamond - may God care for you while your under go your procedure this Wednesday, May 6th.
Sarah - may the doctor's hands be guided by all of God's love during your surgery this Thursday, May 7th.
Ruth - may God hold you throughout these difficult days and your fight against cancer.
Damen - may you find the serenity, peace, and comfort of God as you comfort your parent through their health struggles.