Brian Michael Donovan
A Pastor's Portfolio
Portfolio of Work
Past. Present. Future.
i am
This poem was written for the Congregational Church of Boothbay Harbor to honor our Open and Affirming beliefs. The congregation has since adapted the piece into a choral anthem for our church's 250th anniversary celebration.
"Encounters of Trust"
This Martin Luther King Jr. message was presented to the Congregational Church of Boothbay Harbor on January 19, 2020 only days after the announcement of new interim minister.
Sermon Messages
Beloved, tomorrow is the day when we honor Martin Luther King Jr. as the person who called for us to change, called for us to live into our oath as a country that all people are created equal, and inspired the civil rights movement of the 60’s. What a gift his life was for all of us. The changes he inspired made me believe that hate, prejudice, and discrimination were ending. Although his inspiration lessened the divisions of our society, there is still discrimination, prejudice, and hate in our world, in our nation, and yes even in our community. That said, I do not believe hate is the core problem; rather, it seems to be the result of a deeper issue affecting our world. Something so insidious that it is taught to us as youth when we learned to not trust the stranger. The person we did not know. The person who was not Us...
Devotions and Blog

"If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough."
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