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L: Thank you - God, for calling me here


P: The world is dark, and I need care


L: Come, come - join me to hear 


P: Where hearts are free from fear?


L: Yes, friends God is calling us near


*(please stand at this point if you are able)


Presented to the Union Church of Vinalhaven November 24, 2019. The theme of the service was "God's Grace: how we can be thankful even when there is suffering in this world. "

P: So, let us gather our hearts and minds 

      be present fully to the divine 

      embrace this place and this time

      Where we may be gratefully part of the vine


L: We stand as one - part of the share

     Free from terror, and our cares

     Because - you are always near

     God in our Christ - we are here


All:  Thank you - God, for calling us here

Assurance of Grace (May 12, 2019)


Rejoice, rejoice and be at peace

For the brokenness is taken from us

Allowing us to be the

beloved, forgiven and reconciled

people of God


We are now re-created

To live in-Christ through

the fellowship of Creation


One more time


One more time


Be assured that God and our willing hearts have co-Created us this day. Allowing us to see the new world calling to us, a home where Creation is viewed through divine vision, a World which is becoming. So, let us reveal our reconciled community in an outward sign of greeting each other in peace. May God’s peace be with you.

This introduction to the Union Church of Waban's "Prayer for God's Grace" (Confession of Sins) was presented to the congregation on May 12, 2019. The theme of this Mother's Day service  was "God working through us."


Blessed friends,

I come to this place – broken, separated, divided from Christ and from all of Creation. I come because I hear God’s call even though I am broken. I come because the human world has infected my vision with ideas of scarcity, fear, and individuality.  But I came - and you came – because there is something more. Yet, each of us has a broken moment which keeps us from being fully reconciled to God through Christ, which keeps us from the fellowship of each other through the Holy Spirit. So. let us recall this brokenness now – the broken moments we have sought forgiveness for - the regrets we cannot let go – the sins which keeps us from looking with divine eyes. Let us cry for them one last time as we ask God to take these barriers from us and pray for God’s Grace - together.

Holy God, I come before you this day – broken, broken by my failure to grant compassion to another who was hurting, even though we are all equal in your eyes. Although I have asked forgiveness of my sisters and my brothers, who have forgiven me, I still feel this barrier blocking my way to your eternal Love, So, please take this barrier from me and grant me your Holy Salvation. So, I may be reconciled to your one people, one community, one kin-dom through you - God.

Prayer of Confession

This unison prayer of confession was presented during an ecumenical service at Cove's Edge long-term care facility on September 11, 2019. The theme for this service was the equality of all people under God.


We come now to the heart of our worship – the deep spirituality of our faith - our time of prayer where we know that you, God, will always hear our prayers and answer those which will be a joy to us or to your Creation. Let us recall our prayers and hold them in the silence of our hearts on this Holy evening…


Youth parishioner:

In hearts we now lay our prayers so bold

of words, of deeds, of concerns - untold

These are the hopes we lay at your feet

Please carry them away, bring us peace


With innocent eyes we feel your light

Carry us home in the darkest of nights


In our bliss as we worship your truth:

For, a child of love - shows us the root

to songs, to lessons, to joys we share

In your kin-dom our hearts are bared


Let us pray:

Gracious God whose love for humanity was so great that you shared your only son with us so we could find the way home to your kin-dom. Grant your saving grace on us tonight and grant these prayers which cling to our hearts. So, we have even more reasons to sing, to teach, and to live joyfully in worship of you. In your eternal love we pray.

Pastoral Prayer

This pastoral prayer was presented to the Congregational Church of Boothbay Harbor at the youth and family service on December 24, 2019. Throughout this worship, parishioners of all ages were invited to be a part of the service.


People of God, our blessed community now requests each of us to re-offer ourselves, our faith, our works to be not just witnesses of God’s divine love but the active witnesses helping to heal, to protect, and to care for the innocent of all ages. We also open this space for those of us who wish to share a portion of our financial blessings. Please give only as you are able, in God’s name and love.


This service of sharing introduction and prayer of dedication liturgy was presented to both the Waldoboro United Methodist Church and the Broad Cove Church on August 19, 2018. The theme this day was a call to end the silence which allows child molesters to.operate within our world.

Prayer of Dedication

(in unison):                                                   

God, we, your people, your ministers, your children dedicate our financial, physical and faithful gifts to help protect the innocent. Please guide us through your divine will and love alone to share these offerings with those souls who need your support. Amen

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