“Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life.”
- John 14:6 (NRSV)
In my Introduction to Psychology course from many years ago, the professor once stated that in “science there are no facts, only theories.” How interesting that a psychiatrist, a doctor, and a scientist of the mind would make such a claim that there are no facts, or truths, in science. There is only the theory which can come true over and over; but it is only a theory. It can still be disproved like when water rolls uphill, defying the theory of gravity. That professor had a point.
Yet, now we come to a world which is grasping the wisps of words spoken by one scientist or another. We are hearing them as truths, not theories. We are using these words to stake a claim and choose a side – “the truth is for every person who died in Maine, 600 people are out of work. We need to get back to work”; “the truth is that the virus can lay dormant for fourteen days without symptoms. We have to all stay home or we will die.” Which scientist do you follow – which side have you chosen – where is your truth coming from?
I pray that you answered: neither. For, neither scientist knows - the truth; they only have theories. Theories which when spoken aloud prosper this feeling of fear which has become palpable in Maine, across the news, and the social media. The fear which is tearing friendships apart and destroying lives both economically and physically. So, how do we seek the “truth”? Where can we find the faithful truths which will bring hopeful solutions to our world which has never undergone such an all-encompassing tragedy as Covid-19? Perhaps, the answer to that question is right before us.
For, Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” Jesus is our truth as faithful people and the example of how we need to become; so, we may find community among divisions – solutions among sides - hope among the fear.
This does not mean that I wish to discount our scientists; I am grateful that each one has shared their theories. Rather, I suggest that it is only through the way of the faithful that we can discern the hope, the solutions, and the truth.
Mind you, our truths may be different; our solutions may be different; our hopes may be different for each of us in the darkness of this pandemic. And, it may also seem to be the same solutions as those who follow in fear. However, if we are following the way of Christ by discerning how Jesus would walk in this darkness - we are not following fear but the way to life.
This truth is what I am seeking as I discern the world before me – hearing the scientists, yes – but choosing the way of Jesus. I pray that you will join me and step away from the fearful theories of this world into the hopeful solutions found in our actual truth.
- God, be our light throughout this darkness so we may all discern the multiple paths before us and discover your truth which we faithfully seek. Amen
