“But about that day and hour no one knows, neither the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.”
- Matthew 24:36
While an intern, I heard an old Yiddish adage that says,“Mann Tracht, Un Gott Lacht.” This phrase can be loosely translated as, ‘human’s plan and God laughs.’ I found this idea an interesting way to think of God. Not that I believe He is sitting there laughing at our plans, our need for control, our desperate struggle to change what She has set in motion. Still, I hear the meaning behind this parable. I feel the reality that no matter what we plan to do in this life, the world is inevitably unpredictable. In this unknowing we are called to live – to experience God – to have faith in the divine as we are guided through life.
Still, having faith does not mean being careless. It means we must be watchful of the signs and be ready for the coming Christ. Is this not what our time of Lent is also about – to be ready and prepare.
Sadly, after only a week and a half of the United States being conscious of one another – protecting one another – and remaining as isolated as possible, there is starting to be a movement for people to get back to work and into society. The concern is that the cure will worse than the problem. Will it though? We can rebuild economies; we can feed the hungry; we can give grace to our debtors. However, we cannot resurrect the dead. I see God laughing at this plan – for She has given us all the signs to be watchful. The signs which say our parishioners, our friends, our families will be in jeopardy if we go back too soon.
The truth is that no one knows the time; the right time - that this will be over: not I – not our government – not even the Son – only the “Father knows.” But the signs seem clear that at this time a return to society will only put money in people’s pockets and people in the cemetery. Let us listen to God, be prepared – be faithful – be safe until God shows us it is the right time to move forward.
- Gracious God guide us this day to hold on and be careful so we can keep our fellow humans safe amid uncertainty. Amen.
