“When Judas, his betrayer, saw that Jesus was condemned, he repented and brought back the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and the elders. He said, “I have sinned by betraying innocent blood.”
-Matthew 27: 3-4 (NRSV)
Since Covid-19 began, there has been an underlying argument about how to handle this disaster. On Facebook, the news, and amongst friends, I find perceptions varied.
Some people believe we are handling this situation correctly: the stay at home order and loss to our economy is well worth the lives we are saving. For, the estimated loss of life has been significantly reduced and the curve is flattening in some places. Yet, other people fear this response is a way for the government to impose martial law, the Covid-19 risk is minimal compared to economic ruin, or a person may simply be missing social interaction.
I hear the fears of both sides and wonder what is the faithful response? What did God teach us through Easter?
Mind you, much of this seems to be a societal decision. President Trump declared last week that it was his choice alone as to whether we reopen the economy. In contrast, many Governors made statements that it was their choice and one they would base on science. Yet, are we not each part of this society? Are we not each responsible for our own actions? Don’t we each have to make that choice and decide whether we should accept a leader’s decision about our lives?
The truth is that we are responsible for what we do - much like Judas was when he betrayed Jesus. Therefore, we each have a choice to make in the hours, days, weeks to come, a choice which we cannot take back and one which has life and death consequences.
Judas made a choice to betray Jesus for thirty pieces of silver – a choice which cost Jesus his life. Are we that hungry for our thirty pieces of silver, that hungry to restart the economy, that hungry to return to our social lifestyle that we would sacrifice the lives of our parents, our children, our significant others? Are you willing to murder your loved one for “thirty pieces of silver”?
It seems to me; Judas regretted his decision. How would you handle it if even one person you love died because you chose to visit a friend, go to work, or blindly follow a leader?
As a person of faith, I encourage you – each of you – to discern you choice, regardless of our leaders decisions; because, it is you who will have to deal with these life and death consequences.
-Blessed God, thank you for your lessons throughout this Easter season and guide us to make a faithful choice so we may be at-one in faith with you. Amen
