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Hands of Faith

Writer's picture: pastor Brianpastor Brian

“If the foot would say, “Because I am not a hand, I do not belong to the body,” that would not make it any less a part of the body… If one member suffers, all suffer together with it; if one member is honored, all rejoice together with it.”

-1 Corinthians 12:15, 26 (NRSV)

I have been asked many times, “where is God?” Where is God in these times of struggling, strife, and suffering? Where is God and how can you have faith in that which is unseen?” With love, I answer those who ask through this poem:

Where is God?

“Where is God?” she spat. “There’s no one guiding - my path.”

To these words I say, “God’s hands are everywhere – just look and you will see.”

“My child gone! Whose there to comfort me along?” The scream hung between us in the air as red brimmed eyes glared.

My tears fell with you that night as I said, “God’s hands are everywhere – just look and you will see.”

“I am broke. My money gone, not even a dime to get along.” she whispered into an empty cup.

To that, I witnessed my hands so move to fill her cup and show the truth: God’s hands are everywhere. We just have to look, and we will see.

To explain, I believe that we are all the body of God here on Earth and God is within each of us - fully. That is how I have faith, a faith which is not a one and done when it comes to God; but, it is a full existence carrying us through troubled times and showing us how to be there for another person. This core belief helps me have faith in God and through God I have faith in all of you to guide me, to hold me, and help me as I do for you.

This truth is the heart of the passage from first Corinthians: we are interconnected through God. Even when we do not see God moving in this world, she is taking care of us through each other, through the trees that give us air to breathe, and through the gifts of food which nourish our bodies. God is caring for us; so, blessed people, keep the faith and know that God’s hands are working through you and I.

-God, may we never forget that you are granting your graces everyday and through us you are providing a guiding voice, a listening ear, and generous hands. All we have to do is look, and we will see.




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